Effective Varicose Veins Treatment Center In Illinois

Suffering from varicose veins and other similar vein diseases is discomforting for everyday life. Common activities such as walking, dancing, exercising, and even resting can be affected by having such vein issues.

If you are looking for a vein treatment center to look after your varicose vein problems, you can count on the expertise of Windy City Veins.

We have over a decade of experience and have treated hundreds of varicose veins cases successfully. We provide personalized care and treatment from the moment the patient is correctly diagnosed.

The Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

Some people may not notice they suffer from varicose veins since some of them don’t show symptoms or simply lack information on the topic. Therefore, it’s good to gather as much information as possible to educate yourself on what relates to this health problem. 

Causes Of Varicose Veins 

Varicose veins happen when the valve of the veins don’t allow blood to flow correctly. When the valve doesn’t open and close as normally, they collect blood, causing the vein to swell and become purple dark or blue.

This is a common condition that affects three out of ten adults, and it’s most likely to appear on women as an effect of hormones. 

Their Symptoms

Some people are not severely affected by varicose veins, meaning that they don’t suffer from symptoms, other than the dark color and bulging vein. On the other hand, patients who experience painful consequences can present an achy and heavy feeling in their legs, plus:

  • Burning and muscle cramps
  • Swollen veins
  • Acute pain after sitting or standing for too long
  • Itching in the affected area
  • Skin discoloration around a dark-colored vein

Effective Treatments

At Windy City Veins, we offer our patients many medical treatments regarding varicose veins. They are non-invasive, outpatient procedures with low to no downtime, such as:

  • EVLT-Endovenous Laser Ablation
  • Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation
  • VenaSeal
  • Varithena-Ultrasound-Guided Microfoam Endovenous Ablation
  • Sclerotherapy

The Best Treatment Center For Varicose Veins

At our Windy City Veins treatment center, we make each of our patients count. We provide unique care for each of them from the moment they contact us.

During the patient consultation, we start with a visual examination, proceeding to an Ultrasound screening. Depending on their condition, we suggest the best vein treatment regarding their case.